Our church holds two services a week: one on Sunday and one on Wednesday.
Join us in person or live via Zoom!
Instructions can be found below:
**Golden Text and Responsive Reading
Responsive Reading
© 2024 The Christian Science Publishing Society. Unless otherwise noted, references above are from the Bible (King James Version) and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. The design of the Cross and Crown is a trademark owned by The Christian Science Board of Directors and is used by permission. Christian Science Quarterly™ is a trademark owned by The Christian Science Publishing Society.
We welcome your financial support of our church
checks can be sent to the address below
520 S. Hunt Club Blvd
Apopka, FL 32703
Sunday Service: 10:00-11:00AM
In our cozy, contemporary meeting space, you’ll find a friendly greeting, music, singing, Scriptural reading, prayer, and a sermon. The sermon is read by two volunteer, lay readers – one reads passages from the Bible and the other from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. These two books are our “pastor”. The sermon, known as the Christian Science Bible Lesson, is available for study throughout the preceding week and can be purchased in the Reading Room or by subscription from the Christian Science Publishing Society. Both hardcopies and electronic versions are offered.
Sunday School*
*Sunday School is not currently being offered. When it is available, anyone under the age of 20 is welcome to come and discover Christian values and teachings found in the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and Christ Jesus’ healings. You will figure out how to apply these Bible-based spiritual facts to your own experiences and can ask the tough questions that come up as you explore how spirituality is a relevant part of your life.
Wednesday Testimony Meeting: 7:00-8:00PM
Along with prayer and singing, readings from the Bible and Science and Health will be related to a theme and selected to comfort, inspire, and heal. Then, everyone at the meeting is invited to share insights, experiences, and healings they’ve had as a result of their prayers and study of Christian Science.